It Ain't Over Until the Fat Lady Sings

Hugo Kijne is een Nederlandse kennis van mij, die al heel lang in de USA woont. Met regelmaat verzorgt hij columns op mijn blog onder de titel Home From Abroad. Daar ben ik hem dankbaar voor.
      Hij heeft een nieuwe roman geschreven onder de titel ''It Ain't Over Until the Fat Lady Sings''.

U kunt hem -en mij- een plezier doen door het boek HIER te nomineren.

Het wordt genomineerd om door Kindle/Amazon als e-book gepubliceerd te worden. Het is een nieuw soort competitie, die de 'breakthrough novel' competitie vervangt.  Hoe meer nominaties des te groter de kans dat het gepubliceerd wordt. 

De Inhoud:

How working for a crazy boss could kill you

Martin Noordhof’s employer replaces his boss with a creature that has no management skills and not the foggiest idea about the work that he does, but at the same time has no inhibitions about telling him how to do his job. His new boss has Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and Martin finds out that being in a subordinate position to such a person is constant torture. The creature demands the immediate execution of every insane instruction, and the book tells the story of Martin's resistance.


This is a little book about something that could happen to almost anybody who is in the workforce. Unless you are a CEO or a business owner your boss’s boss can suddenly decide to get rid of your boss, and replace him or her with a creature that has absolutely no management skills and not the foggiest idea about the work that you do, but at the same time has no inhibitions whatsoever about telling you how to do your job.
      If you are particularly unlucky that creature suffers from a condition known as Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Dealing with someone with NPD is always unpleasant, but being in a subordinate position to such a person is torture. The creature with NPD cannot accept the notion that it is less than perfect, and therefore cannot learn, because acquiring new knowledge would imply that something had previously been missing and it had therefore been imperfect.
      So the afflicted person who is now your boss will never try to understand your job, listen to your ideas about how problems can be solved, or allow you a certain amount of autonomy. Contrarily, this creature will only accept complete obedience and demand the immediate execution of every one of its instructions, no matter how damaging to the operation for which you are responsible. And as if that were not enough, it won’t accept responsibility for anything that goes wrong, even if its orders were followed to the letter.
      For your new boss could not have made a mistake: the only explanation for any disaster is your intentional failure to obey. That perceived insubordination will lead to punishment, the only contingency of reinforcement that the creature considers effective. Unlike it, you are the one who has to learn, and that will be hammered into your brain until it bleeds and your life slowly starts flowing away.


   Home From Abroad

   1. Guns
   2. Trump's Narcissism
   3. Ben Carson
   4. ISIS
   5: It Ain't Over Until the Fat Lady Sings


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