You’re Fired

(Door Hugo Kijne te Hoboken USA)

At the beginning of the week Trump was in a good mood, because he had finally fired Rex Tillerson, who had called him a fucking moron and pissed him off by having a conscience.  It was shocking to some people that the star of ‘The Apprentice’ didn’t have the balls to look someone in the eyes and say ‘You’re Fired,’ and therefore fired his Secretary of State with a tweet, but that goes to show that reality shows are not real.  It is clear that there will be significantly more changes in Trump’s cabinet, but there are contradictory rumors as to who might be next, with an abundance of candidates: Shulkin for taking his wife on vacation on the government’s dime, Carson for ordering a $31K table, Zinke for installing a $139K door, Betsy DeVos for being dumber than a brick, Sessions for having recused himself, McMaster for not always agreeing with Trump and Kelly for trying to impose some discipline on the president.  At this point Las Vegas is betting that McMaster will go first, and that John Bolton will be his successor, although Trump seems to think that Bolton’s mustache doesn’t look good on TV.

On Tuesday the Democrat Conner Lamb won an election in Pennsylvania’s 18thdistrict that Trump had carried by 19 points, after Trump had campaigned for Lamb’s opponent, and from there on things turned sour for the President.  Robert Mueller issued a subpoena to the Trump Organization to hand over all documents pertaining to contacts with Russia, crossing a  red line Trump had drawn and increasing the chance that Trump will fire Sessions to eventually fire Mueller.  In this scenario Pruitt is rumored to replace Sessions. It already turned out that the Trump Organization had tried to build a tower in Moscow working with a bank that was under US sanctions, and unless Mueller is stopped much more similar information will ultimately be revealed.  The Trump Organization was also in the news because one of its lawyers, next to Mickey Cohen, was involved in paying the $130K hush money to Stormy Daniels, tying the Russia probe and the Daniels affaire.  Stormy, in the meantime, is not going away.  In a 60 Minutes interview she will tell how she was threatened with physical violence to stay silent.

After Trump had succeeded in avoiding criticizing Putin for the longest time the attempt to murder a former Russian agent with nerve gas in England was the straw that broke the camel’s back, and the US imposed sanctions on those individuals and organizations that had already been indicted by Mueller.  Subsequently it turned out that the Russians had hacked into American energy systems, including nuclear reactors, and might very well be able to shut them down.

Trump has little to look forward to, other than surrounding himself with sycophants like Larry Kudlow, who is taking Gary Cohn’s former position.  Mueller will pursue every trace of money laundering by the Trump Organization, and Stormy Daniels is taking Trump to court to have the non-disclosure agreement voided that would allow him to demand $1 million for each violation.

As Stormy’s attorney says, it will be quite a spectacle if the US President demands $1 million from a US citizen for exercising her first amendment rights.  That might happen around the time when James Comey is gearing up for a tour promoting a book that will rip Trump to pieces.

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